Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Golden Axe (ゴールデンアックス Gōruden Akkusu) is a series of side-scrolling, beat 'em up arcade video games developed by Sega. The series takes place in a medieval-fantasy world where several heroes have the task of recovering the legendary Golden Axe, the mainstay element of the series.

Golden Axe
Virgin Interactive
Arcade, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64/128, Master System, Mega Drive, PC (DOS), PlayStation Network, Virtual Console, Xbox Live Arcade, ZX Spectrum
Release date
May 1989 (Arcade)
Beat' em up
1 or 2 player(s)
- Story -
Golden Axe is a side-scrolling arcade hack 'n' slash game released in 1989 by Sega. Makoto Uchida was the primary developer of the game and also was responsible for the creation of Altered Beast. The game places the player in control of one of three warriors each bent on revenge against the vile dictator Death Adder. Death Adder has taken over the once peaceful land of Yuria and murdered their friend and partner, Alex. Several ports of the game were created, most notably for the Mega Drive/Genesis and Master System. Several sequels followed.

The game focuses on three heroes. One of them is a battle axe-wielding dwarf, Gilius Thunderhead, from the mines of Wolud whose twin brother was killed by the soldiers of Death Adder. Another is a male barbarian, Ax Battler, wielding a two handed broadsword looking for revenge for the murder of his mother. The last is a longsword wielding Tyris Flare, an amazon whose parents were killed by Death Adder.

Progress is made through the game by hacking and slashing your way through Adder's forces. Aiding the characters in this quest is their ability to cast spells that hurt all enemies on the screen. The force of this magic depends on the number of "bars" of magic power currently available. The bars are filled by collecting blue 'magic potions' found throughout the game. The male warrior Ax, limited to 4 bars, is able to cast Earth spells. The dwarf Gilius, limited to 3 bars, casts lightning spells and the female warrior Tyris can cast devastating fire magic, but her most powerful spell costs 6 bars.
- Releases -
The game was originally developed to be run on the arcade board System 16, although it also enjoyed versions in the Master System, Mega Drive / Genesis and other game consoles in 1990, as well as computers of 16 and 8 bits.

The game was again digitally distributed for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2007 and 2011, respectively, adding new features online.

- Playable Characters -
Ax Battler: Is a barbarian hero. He uses a claymore while wearing a loincloth and blue boots as well as iron bracers and a gorget. He calls upon volcanic magic, deploying lava and powerful eruptive blasts. Ax's mother is murdered by Death Adder's forces, providing his motive in the original Golden Axe. Ax was given a solo game for the Sega Game Gear title Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe, in which he is charged with saving another kingdom. Battler is the most balanced character, having a better striking range and less spell-power than Tyris, and more powerful magic but not the extended physical reach of Gilius.

Tyris Flare: Is an amazon who wields a cinquedea-type sword while wearing a chainmail bikini, bracers and red boots. Both her parents are murdered by Death Adder's forces, leading her to seek revenge in the first Golden Axe game. Her magic attacks are all fire-based, including the summoning of a giant, flame-spewing dragon. Tyris has the shortest range of the heroes, but possesses the most powerful spells.

Gilius Thunderhead: Is a bearded dwarf who (at least in the arcade version) actually commands the Golden Axe. He wears a green tunic, leather boots and a horned helmet. He seeks revenge in Golden Axe after his brother is murdered by Death Adder's forces, returning again to defeat Dark Guld in Golden Axe II. In Golden Axe III, Gilius is the only character from the previous games to appear, though he is not playable, he starts each of the characters off on their quest at the game's beginning. When Death Adder returns from the dead in Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder, Gilius rides on the back of playable character Goah throughout the game, and sacrifices his life at game's end to vanquish Death Adder once and for all. Gilius is granted the least powerful spells in the game, but has the best striking range in battle. Gillius is a recurring playable character in the Sega SuperStars series..
- Screenshots -
- Covers -
- Manuals -
01.Golden Axe-Sega-1989.pdf (Arcade, English)
02.Golden Axe-Sega-1989.pdf (Mega Drive, English)
03.Golden Axe-Sega-1989.pdf (Master System, English)
04.Golden Axe-Sega-1989.pdf (Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64/128, ZX Spectrum, English)
- Cheats & Codes -
Level Select
At the arcade mode character select screen, hold [Down]+[Left], then press [B]+[Start].
Start with 9 continues
At the arcade mode character select screen, hold [Down]+[Left], next press and hold [A]+[C], then release all four buttons and select a character 9 Continues.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Final Fight is a classic beat 'em up game developed by Capcom featuring a memorable cast of characters, including Guy, Cody, and the first and only mustachioed ex-pro-wrestler turned mayor, Mike Haggar. Released for the CPS arcade system in 1989 and then ported to the SNES and other home systems.

Final Fight
Capcom, U.S. Gold Ltd, Ubisoft, Sega
Arcade, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Network, PlayStation Portable, Sega CD, Sharp X68000, Super Nintendo, Virtual Console, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox, ZX Spectrum
First Release
1989 (Arcade)
Beat' em up
1 or 2 player(s)
- Story -
The story revolves around a street gang known as Mad Gear kidnapping Jessica, who is Haggar's daughter and Cody's girlfriend. Instead of giving in to the gang, Haggar, Cody, and Cody's training partner, Guy, take to the streets of Metro City to destroy the gang and rescue Jessica. The player fights through the streets, through the subway system, through a wrestling ring, and eventually fight all the way the leader of the Mad Gear gang's mansion. The final boss is the leader of the Mad Gear gang on a wheelchair with Jessica on his lap rolling around and shooting the heroes with a crossbow. The trio eventually beat him out of his chair and kick him through the large window he is standing next to.
- Releases -
The SNES version, released in North America in 1991, disappointed many because it dropped the co-op play, removing arguably the most attractive element of the game and it also removes Guy as a playable character. Though a second version was later released in 1994, called Final Fight: Guy, where Guy was a playable character and Cody was not. This version was available as a rental-only game from Blockbuster video stores.

It was recently discovered that two variations of Final Fight: Guy exist- the common "orange box", and the rarer "black box." There is a lot of confusion as to where these black box version came from, and very few have ever been found. Theories express that it could have been the original color of the box until an exclusive deal was later made with Blockbuster or that it was a Canadian variant, despite it being marked as available in the US. This small variation can make these versions of the game very valuable from a collector's standpoint.

Two sequels, Final Fight 2 and Final Fight 3, were released on the SNES in 1993 and 1995, respectively.

The game was re-released on the Game Boy Advance as Final Fight One. Final Fight: One featured small dialog exchanges before boss fights, unlockable features, and the Street Fighter: Alpha versions of Cody ,and Guy.

Final Fight: Double Impact was a PSN and XBLA game that was attached with Magic Sword.

The game was also released as part of the 'Capcom Arcade' on iOS ( iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) in 2011.
- Playable Characters -
Haggar: The big slow strong character of Final Fight. His optimal weapon is the pipe, and has a piledriver and spinning lariat. He is the mayor of Metro City as well as Jessica's Father.

Cody: The middle of the road character of Final Fight. His optimal weapon is the knife, he is the only character able to use the knife without throwing it. He uses a jumping spin kick, and is Jessica's boyfriend.

Guy: The fast character of Final Fight. His optimal weapon is the Katana. He uses a jumping spin kick similar to Cody's. Guy is a friend of Cody's.
- Screenshots -
- Covers -
- Manuals -
01.Final Fight-Capcom-1989.pdf (Arcade, Japanese)
02.Final Fight-Capcom-1989.pdf (Super Nintendo, English)
03.Final Fight-Capcom-1989.pdf (Sega CD, English)
- Cheats & Codes -
Hidden Stuff
Gaining extra points: To gain jewels and other high points items from breakable stuff like barrels, dustbins. Execute the jump + down attack move. (Cody - headbutt, Guy - Elbow). When doing the move, rapidly jag controller left to right. Usually, jewels will appear instead of other cheap things.
Chewing Gum: When fighting Eddie B. (Cop), you will notice that he spit out a wad of gum. That thing will give you about half a life if you pick it up. 
Last Boss: Cody is able to punch away the bolts that the last boss fires. No other character can do it. 
Off the wall attack: Besides doing the normal off the wall flying kick, you can change it into a flying elbow drop by doing down + attack. 
Hidden Gems: On the way to the last boss, there is a stage when there are some pillars. Located at the bottom of each pillar are gems. Make sure you get them.
Super Combo
This super combo can be easily executed with Cody or Guy, but it's a bit tougher with Haggar.
To begin, initiate a punching combo (press attack, attack, attack for Cody or Guy) or (attack, attack for Haggar.) While you're pressing these buttons, hold the d-pad AWAY from your enemy. Before you do your final ending combo blow, you will throw the enemy, delivering massive damage!
NOTE: You can also start this combo with a jumping knee (jump and hold down, press attack) to deal even more damage! (This will not work for Haggar).